Inman Review: Real Happy Is Here To Market Your Listings
Developed by a mobile app engineer after a bad homebuying experience, Real Happy is another good entry for listing agents wanting a new and productive way to market and coordinate showings.
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Real Happy is a showing management and listing marketing app.
Platforms: iOS
Ideal for: Listing agents
Top selling points:
- Quick property input
- Showing feedback system
- Central booking no listing landing pages
- Minimal, efficient user experience
- Request text codes
Top concern:
My only concern is the developers overbuilding the app as they work to partner with MLSs or large brokerages. I hope they consider updates carefully.
What you should know
The showing apps keep coming, and they’re good.
A few standout features some to mind with Real Happy, and they reflect what I liked about Instashowing.
The first is a stand-alone listing page for each property ready for the market. Providing agents a central hub for requesting tours is key to ensuring showings remain efficient, times are adhered to and all the same information is being communicated each time.
Another is the urgency and importance placed on buyer feedback. The “real happy” in this app’s branding emanates from the emoji-based feedback icons. I’m not talking silly symbols, merely a lineup of basic “mood faces” that give buyers a quick way to communicate. Naturally, it can range from “sad” to “thrilled” or what have you.
(There’s a reason why doctors use a 1-10 scale to describe pain — it’s easy.)
The system is used to give sellers the market’s average take on their home, too, compiling the reviews after multiple showings.
New listings can be created manually or by Google lookup. Default information fields can be set up for faster creation, but the user can quickly enough fill set up default showing lengths, instructions, owner contacts and notification periods, and determine if the seller, agent or both are required to confirm. Sellers are of course notified, by text or email (agents can call, too), according to the notification period.
The link to the landing page and booking calendar is then created for sharing via social, the auto-created text codes or even by QR code, which is a also a nifty way of promoting open houses.
When properties are super popular, as they seem to be now, the seller and listing agent will see a list of request times they can approve or decline via tap.
They can also use their showing interface to access previous showings and their feedback, and to add an ad-hoc manual showing for special circumstances, such as a second viewing or highly qualified cash buyer.
Feedback templates can be created or customized for each property using simple text fields. Buyers are sent feedback requests via text after each showing, and results are auto-populated under the respective property.
Marketing open houses is made easy with with Real Happy, too. People register on the landing page, where they’re also greeted with the basic open house questionnaires. Upon engaging with the form, the software automatically creates a new contact, which then speeds follow-up after the event.
There’s an incentive system built in that creates a link from the completed open house feedback form (also using the smile-face indicators), which be can used to send buyers a gift card, a virtual tour or some other form of appreciation.
Other features of the app include private notes for sellers, listing performance metrics and .CSV exports of contact lists for CRM import. The company is working on direct CRM integrations. Oh, and Real Happy works when offline. A nice touch.
Visually speaking, the app is smartly minimally designed, leveraging colorized icons and buttons only to emphasize functionality. It’s very clear that its developers have a background in mobile app design — it shows throughout.
The features all flow together as they should. There’s nothing here that doesn’t need to be, clouding the value proposition.
Like Instashowing, Real Happy was in development well before Zillow’s acquisition of Showingtime. Still, the company knew it should get its beta test underway sooner than later.
I’m glad they did. As you should be, too.
Have a technology product you would like to discuss? Email Craig Rowe
Craig C. Rowe started in commercial real estate at the dawn of the dot-com boom, helping an array of commercial real estate companies fortify their online presence and analyze internal software decisions. He now helps agents with technology decisions and marketing through reviewing software and tech for Inman.